About Us

I’m Kaitlin, the oldest and wisest sister. That’s me on the left. I am 26 and going to school for a degree in Social Work. I live in Northern California with my husband Curtis- who might be the biggest tease in the world- but he spoils me rotten, puts up with my messy crafting habits, and eats whatever I put in front of him. I have loved to draw and craft and create things my whole life, I love to read and cook and I love sharing my ideas and creations with other people! I always have 18 projects going at the same time, I love spending time with my family, and I am always looking for a new book to read. If only school didn’t take up so much of my time….

I’m Monica, the gal on the right. I’m 24 and just barely younger than big sister up there. I’m a proud momma of a beautiful baby girl {Gabriella Grace} and currently a family practice nurse living in Northern California and married to the love of my life, Joey. You’ll hear about him from time to time in this blog! He balances me out (thank goodness!!) and is the superb taste-tester of our recipes, and reminds me to put my head on in the morning. I love to try new things! Especially in the kitchen. If they had a culinary-and-nursing school somewhere I totally would have attended. Outside of the kitchen, I love playing with my daughter, fitness, reading, wining/dining, and as much family/friend time as can be squeezed in!

While you’ll see that God has created us to be very different from each other, we both are in awe of the other’s gifts and strengths. And that’s what makes this so fun for us! Will you see Monica complete a craft successfully? Probably not. Will you see Katie get up early to go work out? Probably never. But that, for some reason, is why we have so much stinkin’ fun together! We don’t claim to be experts on anything, in fact, this is mostly just things we find and try from other talented bloggers! We just want to share of little glimpse of us.

Enjoy! We sure will. 🙂

3 responses to “About Us

  1. Janae Born

    Love you girls!! this will be a fun to follow your blog!


  2. Katy Merrill

    So cute!!!


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