Tag Archives: coffee date

Coffee Date and Les Misérables

Sorry for M and I being more absent than usual. We are both experiencing some technical difficulties with our Internet, so we are communicating on this blog 100% via our phones. I thought I was tech savvy til now. Ha! We’ll see how this goes.
Mom, Linds, M, and I have decided to do a book club this summer and read Les Misérables ‘together’. We have all seen the old movie, most of us (everyone except me) have seen the new movie, and none of us have read the book. Coming from a family of ‘the book is always better than the movie’, this is kind of illegal- so! We are reading. And discussing. And the first discussion was so cool!
For any of you who do not know the story of Les Mis- Jean Valjean is a good man who served 20 years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread. He is released from prison, but cannot find honest work anywhere. Valjean receives mercy from a very humble and truly godly bishop only to be pursued for the rest of his life by a so called ‘godly’ man named Javert.
Since this was the first meeting, we got sidetracked sitting outside Starbucks just catching up on each others news and also got into a conversation with a man walking by who was telling people about the mission he is running for men and he asked what Les Mis was about. After mom explained it, he said,’ it’s kind of like a parable isn’t it? An earthly story with a heavenly message.’ And it’s true! The first chapters cover nothing but how the bishop came to be such a disciple of Christ, and such a humble man, and we each had different views of it but we were all amazed at how this man chose to have absolutely nothing in order to give everything to those who needed it. Made us reevaluate our needs and wants a bit. Funny how ‘stuff’ we think we need and ‘stuff’ we think will solve all our problems can get in the way of doing what God has planned for us.
I think this book reading and discussing is the start of a really good thing…can’t wait to see what we learn next!
P.s. a man walking down the sidewalk with two 7 week old pit bulls allllmost had Lindsey convinced she’s an animal person. Allllmost.


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Filed under Books, Coffee, Family, Favorite Things, God, Pets

Virtual Coffee Date


Good morning! It feels like ages since I (~M~) have posted anything… and I have a good reason! Our internet has been down all week and after much ado, we have finally figured out the problem and are back in full swing. What a headache! Honestly, I have so much respect for people who understand technical computer-y things, because it is a Pandora’s box to me. Example:

“I’m calling because our Internet has been down the past few days and we are not sure why…”

“Ok, we can help with that. Can you check to make sure all the cables are plugged into your router?”

“Sure!…. Um… which one is the router?”


Yup. No hope for me. Anyways, 8 phone calls, 1 trip to the Internet store, and an hour and a half of reconfiguring our network later, we are back in business!!

Seeing as it’s been a while… I was thinking to myself- when I haven’t seen a friend in a while and we need to catch up, I usually suggest a coffee date! So, why not have ourselves a little virtual coffee date? Grab a mug of joe and let’s catch up!


If we were having coffee this morning, I would tell you that I have spent the past few days thoroughly enjoying a new little hobby I’ve started! I’ve been working less lately and been trying to stay as busy as possibly to take my attention away from just waiting for this baby to be ready to come out. I found this tutorial on Pinterest for how to make boutique style burp cloths and it is SO fun! I can’t wait to send some out to some unsuspecting pregnant ladies I know- hopefully they like them as much as I do!


If we were having coffee this morning, I’d also be treating myself to a fully caffeinated coffee drink. Because it’s a special occasion. I’d also tell you that I FINALLY got frozen yogurt yesterday!!! And a pedicure. It was a special occasion- hanging out with one of my dear friends who is also pregnant!!


I’d also be excited to tell you that our nursery is pretty much finished!! It was such a fun project and we are just missing one vital piece now…. our baby. I just love how the room turned out- the walls are neutral, and we have pops of color everywhere that are just happy! My favorite thing about the room so far is the chair… I may or may not spend a little of each morning reading my devotions in that huge overstuffed chair.




If we were having coffee this morning, I’d tell you about a new challenge I’m setting for myself. It’s driving me a little bonkers to not be working as much, since I’m used to contributing to our finances and being busy. Now that I’m not bringing in as much financially, I want to make some changes and be as frugal as possible! I always loved the idea of Dave Ramsey’s envelope budgeting system, but never really cracked down and challenged myself to adhere to it. Katy, the adorable gal you see in the froyo pic, said she’s doing it and loves it!  So, here goes- i think my biggest challenge will be in the grocery department. I am the number one offender at picking up 10 different food items when I only needed one. Hopefully this works! How do you guys budget?

Well, my coffee is almost cold now. Time for a second cup!



Filed under Baby, Coffee, Crafts