Tag Archives: smoothie

So Fruity Summer Smoothie











Yikes!! And I’m the sister in Northern Cal- I’m afraid to ask K what the heat is like in the Fresno area. I am a lover of sunshine and heat, but even this triple digit week is enough to send me into daydreams about winter and those chilly nights when hot chocolate sounded like heaven…

But then I thought, smoothies are the ‘hot chocolate’ of summer! I was over at my mom’s house the other day because my little sister and I had a dog-walking date planned. However, we had absent-mindedly planned it for the afternoon which translated into a very. hot. walk.

We immediately went for the fridge and came up with a smoothie recipe that is SO incredibly refreshing and actually quite healthy as well!












We plopped down on the couch and slurped these babies down in a matter of minutes. Which is okay, because it only takes about 2 minutes to throw the ingredients in a blender and make another one. With all that fresh fruit that’s abounding this season, I wouldn’t be surprised if you already have all of the ingredients in the house!









Also, it’s not green like the other smoothie I told you guys about. So if you just couldn’t get past the color of the spinach smoothie, this should be right up your alley!

Hope you guys are having a fantastic summer, and enjoy! K gave me a craft challenge to do so prepare yourselves…. this might not be pretty.


So Fruity Summer Smoothie

serves 2 generously, 3 appropriately

3 cups mixed fruit salad (we used watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and bananas)

1 single serving container of fruity yogurt

1 1/2 cup ice

2-3 Tbsp cold water for thinning

Put all ingredients (in that order) in the blender and blend away! Add as much or as little water as you need for the desired consistency. If you have different types of fruits, throw em in. Pretty much can’t go wrong with this! I was a little uneasy about the watermelon tasting right, but man, it hit the spot. Slurp away!

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Filed under Food Stuffs.

a nice surprise and green monster

I got called on Wednesday night and was told that the provider at the Escalon clinic was sick and therefore we could not open the clinic on Thursday. “Aw, what a bummer… I hope she feels better soon…” was what I said. And what I truly meant! But I was secretly SO excited to have the day off! What a nice surprise- I was starting to get a little nervous that I wouldn’t have time to shop for a fanny pack for my trip?!


Yes, you heard me right. I was an avid lover of fanny packs in my younger days, and I still am. Pretty sure I always will be. It’s so much more convenient than lugging around a purse all day, and it can probably double as a belt. Just kidding, I don’t know about the belt part, but it sure is nice for hiking! Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it. Just in case you are wondering, because I’m sure you guys all secretly want one too, they are only $5 at WalMart! Score.

On to more important things! My day off yesterday was just beautiful. Started out the day with a walk with my dogs and my favorite green monster smoothie. Man, all my recipes are green lately. Time for a new color!


As I walked, I planned out my mental to-do list and thought about adding a wood-burning tool to my shopping list so I could make this. Did not buy one, because the first attempt at wood burning turned out like this. (I need a few more lessons from Master K before I invest) 20120615-094358.jpg








Hardly very intricate detailing there, but you were warned that I am not crafty!

I got home, ran a few errands, and fit in a quick shopping trip to Old Navy for some comfy capris and last minute travel items. K, I really needed Lindsey with me for the whole ‘avoiding over shopping thing’. I haven’t packed yet for Israel, and it’s not a good idea to go shopping when you’re worried you don’t have the right kind of clothing for your trip. You end up buying things that you know you’ll never wear again. (Thank goodness for their bomb return policy!) Then got home and made a quick lunch of maple almond butter oatmeal. Have you guys tried this combo? Do it and thank me later 🙂


1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup milk, water, spoonful of almond butter, 1 Tbsp pure maple syrup (and a pink lady apple!)

I grabbed a quick and low-key workout and then spent the rest of the day on the phone with K and cleaning the house like a mad woman- I love coming home to a clean house 🙂

Dinner was those meatballs that I made a while ago. I have not been cooking as much these past few days because we have been avoiding grocery shopping and trying to use up what we have in the fridge before we go. Joey’s brother came over for dinner after his first day of his internship and was starved, so we were glad that we had something that was ready to be popped in the oven and ready in a few minutes! That along with some roasted veggies and garlic bread made for a pretty filling meal. Instead of meatballs for me, I had a hankering for some of my mom’s homemade chili. She made me some months and months ago, and I had stuck in the freezer for instances such as this. I roasted some cubed sweet potato and mixed it in with the chili and wow, that was the best decision I’ve made all day! SO good! I will come back with a recipe for you guys, I promise. The chili and sweet potato mixture is incredible!

Finished up the day with the Heat vs Thunder game (c’mon Thunder!?) and a nice big bowl of brownies and ice cream. Sorry, I ate that way too fast so there’s no picture.

What a nice day off.

Happy Friday!


Green Monster Smoothie

serves YOU!

2-3 big handfuls of fresh spinach

4 oz. plain Greek Yogurt

1Tbps PB2 (or regular peanut butter)

1 frozen banana

1 cup ice

water or milk to thin out


Blend it all together in a blender! I would recommend starting with the liquid at the bottom, then spinach, and then the heavier ingredients on top so that it pushes the spinach down, making it easier to blend. The more ice you use, the more smoothie-like it will be!


P.S. sorry for the blurry picture- I freeze my ‘naners with the peel on, so it looks pretty gross there. Also, you will learn as you read my posts that I like to try new weird food products. (Don’t ask why I like some ingredients and are scared of others) PB2 is something I ordered from Amazon because I heard good things about it from  Jenna. Its basically peanut butter that has all of the oil pressed out of it- so it is in a powdered form. I have grown to adore this stuff! You can sprinkle it on apples for a snack, mix it in brownies, and countless other things.

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Filed under Food Stuffs., Vacation