Monthly Archives: August 2013

Gourmet Veggie Bagelwich


One of the best parts of living in the country are the endless choices of fruit stands that line the road to our house. One stand even sells milk, eggs, butter and bread as well– if it wasn’t the furthest one away, I wouldn’t ever need to step foot in a grocery store!


Well, that’s not entirely true. Where would I get my chocolate other pantry staples? Anyways, I stopped at both of these fruit stands in one day in order to pick up all the goods for our dinner last night.


I have always loved veggie sandwiches, but I knew that Joey would need an extra something in order to deem it a sufficient dinner. A quick google search of “manly veggie sandwich” led me to the simple addition of a cream cheese spread to take it up a notch!


While Joey didn’t think cream cheese made the cut as a ‘manly’ addition, he did give the bagel two thumbs up and gave the go-ahead to make this for dinner again!


Gourmet Veggie Bagelwich: spinach leaves, sliced tomato, cucumber, sprouts, avocado, red onion.


Cream cheese spread: 1/3 less fat cream cheese, parsley, dill

toasted bagels





P.S. I’ve been asked a few times now, ‘how in the world do you get Joey to eat vegetarian?? ‘ Well, first of all, it was kind of his idea! The next trick sounds a little mean, but I have stopped asking what he wants for dinner. He’s not a picky guy and usually likes the end product- and if I even mention ‘tofu’, he’d inhale a steak just to get the sound out of his ears. So, it’s a surprise from now on! Ingredient list is given AFTER dinner. 🙂

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It’s your Birthday!!

Thanks for all the recipes and suggestions for vegetarian recipes yesterday! Lots of them sounded delicious and I can’t wait to whip them up. This whole vegetarian thing started a few days ago when Joey jokingly said, “Hey, if Daniel {from the Bible} can survive on vegetables, so can I!” I immediately jumped on board and here we are on Day 3. So far, so good. We have only toyed with the idea of thawing the frozen beef once, so I’d call that a success.

I think next time, I will have a few recipes in the arsenal ready to go when we take on this challenge- being in the kitchen at 7 p.m. with a hungry husband and a stalk of broccoli is hardly a situation that usually ends well. Thankfully, Joey and I have managed to make do so far. Lots of veggie-ful deliciousness is headed our way, thanks to you guys!

In more important news, it’s Katie’s BIRTHDAY today! The big 2-6.


Meaning, she’s almost 30. Which is basically 40.


NOT. Kate, you’re rocking 26 like nobody’s business.


All jokes aside, Kate- I absolutely love you. It has been one of the biggest blessings to have you for a sister. I think 24 years, 2 months, 6 days, 12 hours and 13 minutes is about how long I’ve known you now.

Thats 211,997 hours.

About 8,839 days.

About 1,980 school days of walking home together.

About 74 {at least} outfits we’ve fought over. And counting.

About 1,295 miles we’ve driven total in the past few years to have Whole Foods lunch and Coffee Bandits together.

About 184  blog posts. {Remember how nervous we were to publish the first one?!?}

I think I know ya pretty well. I pray that God gives you many, many more years on this earth to be YOU and use your gifts to bless others.


Love you forever!


P.S. We love meat. We are doing this challenge simply to see how we feel after a month and to try something new.  Pretty sure this is what Joey will be thinking about finding after 3 1/2 more weeks…


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6 months ago

Six months ago, this happened.


6 MONTHS ago! Someone quoted this to me the other day` “These are some of the longest days of your life, but the shortest years.” I couldn’t agree more, and a year hasn’t even passed yet. I can think of a handful of the ‘longest days’ part.

Like when Gabby got croup the first time- I was sure she was having an allergic reaction at 11:30 at night, and medical help never seemed so far away. Thankfully it was just a cough, but time went by really slow that night!

Or even the first day we had her- she choked in the hospital, and panic swept over me like a blanket depriving me of air. A nurse rushed in, pounded Gabs on the back firmly, and reassured me {while I bawled} that I would be able to handle it when I went home with her.

Or that first week we had her home- when I woke up to feed her for the third time that night and was so groggy that I bundled up a BLANKET and took it to the nursery to feed it, while leaving my precious daughter fast asleep in her bassinet.

Long days? Yes, they were.

But those days are totally worth it- because most days are like this.

She is my sunshine, in summary. She is the happiest, most talkative little sweetheart. She’s curious, a fast learner, and loves to jump! She’s sitting up, babbling, and a TOTAL daddy’s girl. To celebrate her 6 month (half) birthday, today we are getting pedicures with a friend, frozen yogurt and baby food with grandma, and hopefully going to the gym for the first time in 6 months!!

Happy Monday!


P.S. The husband and I are going to try a {mostly} vegetarian month of September- any vegetarian recipes you want to share with us would be greatly appreciated!

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